"Moreover, the word of the Lord said unto me: Take thee a great phone, and text in it with a man's fingers concerning Maher-shalal-hash-tag."
Isaiah 8:1 (New Modern Translation for Technology Dependent Youth)
Well, I can't ignore prophetic direction, even though I have no idea how to use hashtags and have no previous experience with them #cellularnoob. This week was very interesting. I ate calamari for the first time, and it was very... interesting #textureofundercookedcarrots #sortoffirmandstringyatthesametime. I will attach some pictures if possible.
Quote of the week: "I think I might be turning into a monster."
The reason it was so funny is because the guy that said it was dead serious. He actually thought he was turning into a monster. It was way strange. #bremertonlandofcrazies
I don't have much time to write, but we had some great spiritual experiences happen. It is way fun to be a servant of the Lord. Following the Spirit is probably the most satisfying thing in the world #unrelatedhashtag. We were done knocking a sketchy trailer park, when Elder Poland felt like we should go left, instead of going right, to where our car was. Well, we went right, and then we found a man walking towards us in the rain. Well, we taught him and it was a really cool experience. The Spirit was very strong. We also decided to drop by a former we'd had, and when we did, we ended up giving her a tour of the church, and teaching the Restoration, the Plan of Salvation, the Word of Wisdom, and the Law of Chastity, all in one session. It was absolutely amazing, especially considering that we weren't planning any of that at all, and I'd never even taught the Word of Wisdom to someone who actually had problems with any of it. It was way cool #throughGodallthingsarepossible. Sorry I don't have much time left, but it is absolutely amazing to be in the service of God. I love being able to bless people's lives by telling them why we are here, where we were before this life, and where we will go after this life. I testify that God has a plan for us. I know that He lives and loves us, and that He is reaching out to us trying to help us. I know that for a fact. Choose now to follow Him. Choose to trust in His plan for you, and you will be very blessed.
#Haveagoodweek #Thestakepresidenthereisabsolutelyawesome #IwishIcouldwritemore #sorryifyouredisappointedinthisletter #sorryifyoufindmyhashtaggingskillsappalling #ThereareseriouslyalotofcrazypeoplehereinBremerton
#thechurchistrue #Ilovebeingamissionary #calamariissquidfyi
#randomscriptureoftheweekisDaniel11:13 #thatscripturereallywascompletelyrandomlychosen
Elder Benge
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